How to Build A Weight Lifting Program For Weight Loss? An In-Depth Step By Step

How to Build A Weight Lifting Program For Weight Loss? An In-Depth Step By Step

When we think of weight lifting, the first thing that comes to mind is heavy dumbbells and toned muscles. But did you know that weight lifting and resistance training is also very effective for losing weight?

Many people think that intense cardio is the best way to shed pesky pounds fast when it comes to working out. Although it can help you lose weight quickly, cardio only burns calories while you're working out. Whereas weight lifting has your body burning calories throughout the day.

Building a proper weight lifting routine may seem like a daunting task, but we've got you covered. This article will discuss a step-by-step weight lifting routine and how to achieve quick muscle recovery after working out.

Benefits Of Weight Training

Weight training can not only help you stay in shape, but it also has ample benefits which keep your body healthy. Here are some of the benefits associated with weight training.

Helps Increase Your Metabolism

If you are trying to lose some pounds, weight training can be a handy tool. Research suggests that for every pound of muscle you gain, your metabolic rate rises. This means that by weight training, you can increase the number of calories your body burns.

So your body would be burning additional calories even when you aren't training. However, it is essential to keep in mind that everyone's body is different, and weight training won't necessarily work for everyone.

Helps Build Strength 

By lifting weights and working out different sets of muscles on your body, you strengthen them while also building resistance. And who doesn't want a stronger body?

The more you train, the more your muscle mass increases. This means that lifting weights will get more manageable over time, and you'll be able to move onto using heavier weights as well. Weight training also helps you achieve a more toned look. 

Can Help Reduce Anxiety

Research shows that resistance exercises like weight training can help with easing anxiety symptoms. However, even low-intensity weight training has shown anxiolytic effects on people.

When you start weight training, you'll face effects like sore muscles, which might make you want to quit. Not to mention that lifting weights is no easy deal. 

But rest assured that the long-term effects of weight training on both your mental and physical health will leave you feeling great. 

Protects You From Injuries

Other than building muscle mass and helping you shed weight, resistance training can also help prevent injuries. This is because it helps strengthen your bones and even improves the way your muscles function. In addition, research shows that weight training can help prevent bone diseases like osteoporosis.

It can also help fight off fatigue, helping you stay energized. There is no doubt that the long-term effects of weight training make you healthier and even happier.

Now that we've talked about some of the benefits of weight training let's move onto some tips that you should keep in mind.

Also read: Sports Massage and Why it is Important | Benefits and Where to Get Them

How To Weight Train Effectively

If you are looking to get the best results out of your weight lifting session, here are some tips that you should follow.

Feel the Burn

Although low-intensity weight lifting workouts aren't precisely ineffective, you need to amp up the intensity if you want the best results. This doesn't mean that you should do an hour-long workout session; 30 to 40 minutes a day is more than enough. 

Also, you will probably feel a burning pull at your muscles while doing sets of exercises, which makes most people take long rests between reps.

But the key is to take as little rest as possible in between sets. So, for example, if you're doing a minute of weighted squats, only rest for around 10 seconds before moving onto the next set. 

The harder you work, the better the results. You can also increase the intensity of your workout session by incorporating two exercises into one set. For example, if you're doing a shoulder press, you can combine it with a squat.

So you'd be doing a shoulder press first, followed by a squat. This will get your heart rate up and get you feeling the burn faster. 

The Heavier, the Better

You shouldn't start with the heaviest weights you can find, especially if you're a beginner. But using the same weights for a long time won't give you the fantastic results you're looking for. The more you build endurance, the heavier your weights should get.

But this doesn't mean that you should jump from lifting 3kg weights to 10kgs. Instead, take it slow, but keep gradually increasing the weights, and you'll see the results you want. It will also help you burn calories and lose pesky pounds, giving you a more toned, lean look. 

Work Out More Than One Set of Muscles 

The best way to achieve good overall results is by mixing them up. Sure, you'll still lose weight if you focus on one set of muscles, but it won't give you that lean whole body look. 

On the other hand, working out your arms, core, and legs in one workout session can make the workout both intense and much more fun to do.

This way, if you feel like your arms burn from all the lifting, you can move onto legs for a bit and alternate. Again, you'll target all the essential sets of muscles, helping you burn ample calories and work up a sweat.

Stay Hydrated

Working up a sweat while working out is something that happens to all of us. So you need to make sure you hydrate before, during, and after your workout. Staying hydrated can help regulate your body's temperature and keep you from getting dehydrated.

By staying hydrated, you also boost your performance level. You lose a lot of body fluid during intense lifting sessions, and it is essential to replenish them. You can even sip on a drink with electrolytes while you work out.

Make Sure to Rest

It is important to stay consistent with your workout session, but it is equally essential to rest. If you overwork your muscles, you put yourself at risk of injuring or even tearing them. 

Doing high-intensity workout sessions can leave you feeling sore. The best way to achieve quick muscle recovery after working out is by getting a massage.

You can go to a masseuse to get a gentle oil massage which will help relax your muscles. Another option is to get a muscle massager, which will allow you to de-stress your muscles at home. The exogun is an excellent option if you are looking for a good-quality massage gun.

Another way to deal with sore muscles is to use a heat compress. Using a warm towel on your strengths or taking a hot bath will allow the inflammation to go down.

Best Weight Lifting Exercises for Weight Loss

But which exercises should you be doing? Here are some of the best weight lifting exercises which promote weight loss.

  • Bent Over Rows
  • Weighted Squats + Lunges
  • Pushups 
  • Bench Press
  • Russian Twist
  • Renegade Rows
  • Planks
  • Shoulder Raises

How to Recover After Working Out

As we mentioned earlier in this article, rest days are essential. But how do you take care of your body on days that you aren't working out? 

Here are some tips on how you can make quick muscle recovery on your rest days.

Eat Right

Eating right plays an important part when it comes to losing weight. You may be tempted to binge on some junk food after working out. Maybe you'll even think "a few cheat days won't matter" since you've worked hard.

Although a cheat day here and there is fine, occasional binging can hinder your progress. Make sure you eat protein as it helps you increase muscle mass. But it is also essential to keep in mind that you shouldn't starve yourself to lose weight.

Eating healthy meals will keep you energized and make it easier to work out. 

Relax Your Muscles

Getting enough rest is crucial for recovering, especially since you don't want to feel the burn of your sore muscles while you work out. Try taking a hot bath with essential oils, such as lavender. 

You can also use a muscle massager on sore areas like your back and legs. Another great way to recover after working is to stay hydrated. 

If you neglect your body's needs during rest days, it will only make it harder to get back on track.

Get Enough Sleep

Sleep also plays a vital role in losing weight, as it helps your muscles recover. Once you start working out, you'll find out that it enables you to fall asleep easier. Not getting enough sleep can make you feel lethargic and make it harder for you to exercise.

If you don't sleep enough, you'll find that it's harder to stay motivated, affecting your performance. So make sure to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

Final Words

Weight lifting is a great way to lose weight and get a toned body. Not only do you build endurance when you lift weights, but you're also helping your body get stronger inside and out. So if you want the perfect summer body, make sure to follow the tips we have mentioned in this article!